
Life/news offers new yoga and Pilates sessions - check them out in the Life/health center

Created on 09/12/2021 09:00

Discover new exercises for CKD patients in the Life/health body and mind program

Yoga and Pilates significantly benefit both body and mind

Scientific evidence shows that regular physical exercise not only protects against the onset of serious illnesses. It can also improve the well-being of people suffering from chronic diseases.
Yoga and Pilates encompass physical postures, breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques which are feasible even for physically limited patients. It is therefore not surprising to learn that Yoga can also improve the clinical picture of CKD, as shown in a 6-month long clinical trial.(1, 2)
Recognizing that kidney patients are keen to learn about suitable exercises they can do at home, our body movement experts Joëlle Fixson and Kim Saha have developed new training sessions that can be adapted to the individual health conditions of CKD patients.


1) Pandey RK et al. 2017 Intern J of Yoga Vol. 10(1), pp. 3-8
2) Yurtkuran M et al. 2007 Compl Methods in Medicine Vol. 15(3), pp. 164-171
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